How To Be A Good Martial Arts Parent
Imagine this: You’ve been driving your kids to Karate class, tournaments and seminars for years. You’ve spent quite an amount of money on...

2017 Resolution That Should've Began Last Year
Happy Holidays to all martial arts enthusiasts, brothers and sisters in arts. With the new year in play, certainly comes a new slate? If...

The New Wave of Martial Arts
Lately, MMA has been surging through the media and has taken the eyes of the public when the word "Martial Arts" is mentioned. They see...

A Generation That Deserves Nothing But..
Today's generation is an interesting group to say the least. Technology surrounds them more than ever, more options and utilities at...

An Instructor's Obligation
In the martial art's world, you will find plenty of cult-driven schools and organizations. I urge you to pay close attention to the...

The Secret to Success
What is the number one reason someone quits? They don't see it through. "Rome wasn't built in a day" and neither were you, nor were you...