2017 Resolution That Should've Began Last Year
Happy Holidays to all martial arts enthusiasts, brothers and sisters in arts. With the new year in play, certainly comes a new slate? If you answer yes, I believe you're wrong. You are the same person, same history, same skill set. Take what you have and build, there is only one known lifespan on this planet so look forward to the present. Your New Year's resolution should be a decision on January 1st, anything after of before is a resolution for THAT day. Never let procrastination stop you from achieving your goals now. You are in control of your life, so next time you feel negativity towards something, act.. and act swiftly. As martial artists, we embark on a life long journey. On this journey, we tend to find icons and legends to look up to, whether grandmasters, champions or peers. Celebrate their accomplishments, but never fear it. As I always tell all that I mentor, the fear of success is stronger than the fear of defeat. Never underestimate that you can become the next Bruce Lee or the next world champion. Never underestimate that you can succeed in becoming better than your instructor or master. Be humble but hungry, and remember resolutions only exist in the moment of execution.